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Elke Siller Macartney
Mar 11, 20213 min read
Shift happens: A report from Grief land
Recent insights: dawn's early light I’m finding that after days of traveling down extremely difficult, dark rabbit holes of grief and...

Elke Siller Macartney
Jan 15, 20214 min read
Upon seeing my deceased husband's face on Netflix
Jim Macartney, my sweetheart of 35 years, died on August 1, 2020. Recently, I’m emotionally in a fairly stable place, and thus able to...

Elke Siller Macartney
Jan 5, 20213 min read
How to be a sneaky healer--and get away with it.
I think my career as a sneaky healer started in childhood. What, you’re not familiar with the concept? Well, its a thing. Really. Anyway,...

Elke Siller Macartney
Dec 1, 20205 min read
Fall: season of loss and discovery
In the waning days of fall, I recorded this while walking in the forest… Fall, the season, is rich with symbolism galore: Fall, is...

Elke Siller Macartney
Nov 19, 20201 min read
Following my heart to the light...
This sad year, I had intended to press the "mute" button on the whole holiday deal: I thought, "Why bother?" For over 8 years, hubby and...

Elke Siller Macartney
Nov 19, 20203 min read
More blessings in my process...
It's been awhile since I last shared my process of emerging into a new life without Jim: Both grieving and healing continue, and I'm...

Elke Siller Macartney
Sep 28, 20202 min read
Count the hidden blessings
It's easy these days, to count the curses. The curses, the darkness, the shutdowns, and shutouts… The millions upon millions of lives...

Elke Siller Macartney
Sep 12, 20206 min read
Unexpected: Living with the effects of (personal and global) grief
A few days ago I attended a drop-in online grief support group. I liked the feeling of this particular group; they were a bit further...

Elke Siller Macartney
Aug 20, 20203 min read
Good bye to Jim. A new day dawns.
Let me get right to the sad news: My love, and long-time husband Jim Macartney, is flying free. He died at 12:20 AM, August 1, suddenly,...

Elke Siller Macartney
Jul 22, 20202 min read
Calls for Compassion, and Acts of Courage
The Situation--This is what I call the current pandemic crisis, as well as the swell of protests and calls for fundamental human rights,...

Elke Siller Macartney
May 17, 20202 min read
This is the longest winter, even though the world is heated up. Even though the fire is building in our souls and in our minds, it is...

Elke Siller Macartney
Feb 26, 20204 min read
Meet Me Where I Am…
This was written 2 weeks ago. I thought I would share this now, from my heart to yours. Limbo is not a place where one can settle down or...

Elke Siller Macartney
Jan 21, 20201 min read
Note to Self, Re: Texting is Fraught…
Life notes to self (and friends): Texting, while a convenient way to communicate, can be misconstrued, misunderstood, and fraught with...

Elke Siller Macartney
Oct 26, 20194 min read
Grateful for It All
coffee, paper, mountain. After a fun conversation via text over a world series game we were both watching, a friend texted a surprising...

Elke Siller Macartney
Sep 2, 20199 min read
The Magic of Trusting Spirit – 9/1/2019 Sermon
I had such a good time sharing this sermon as a guest speaker for our local Center for Spiritual Living, Anacortes, and the congregation...

Elke Siller Macartney
Aug 30, 20192 min read
Harvest what you Sow!
Harvest what you've sown I love love love this time of year in our beautiful valley. This is such a rich time, produce-wise; The apples...

Elke Siller Macartney
Aug 16, 20193 min read
And how did I come to see Auras?
I'm on a brief but oh so lovely seaside retreat, at a house owned by 2 longtime friends. I’m currently by myself, but the first night...

Elke Siller Macartney
Jul 25, 20193 min read
I come upon all sorts of sightings while I walk the forestlands near my home: usually birds, interesting plants, animals, or the...
Elke Siller Macartney
Jun 13, 20192 min read
Besides good exercise and fresh air, there is a reason I love to walk almost everyday: No matter how fast or slow I walk, I notice things...
Elke Siller Macartney
May 6, 20192 min read
Low Tide
Today, as I approached my office, I saw that the tide was very low. It had been a morning of busy thoughts and doings—I had not given...
Elke Siller Macartney
Apr 28, 20191 min read
Dance til I'm 110
Last night, I used up my ferry punch-card to travel to small but mighty Guemes Island--home of some of the most creative souls I know....
Elke Siller Macartney
Apr 25, 20193 min read
Aura Cling-ons
It’s tricky to be a seer sometimes. As much as I do my best to see the good in everyone, I I see a lot of sludge as well. And by sludge...
Elke Siller Macartney
Mar 29, 20193 min read
Clear your aura, clear your mind.
Clear the aura, clear the mind. For all you sensitive, compassionate people out there, I think you might be familiar with these symptoms:...
Elke Siller Macartney
Mar 12, 20193 min read
Divine Timing ( or don't walk under the falling trees)
I'm glad I didn't walk here when the tree came down! Spring is right around the corner, and with it will come tiny shoots and buds and...
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