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Count the hidden blessings

Writer's picture: Elke Siller MacartneyElke Siller Macartney

It's easy these days, to count the curses.

The curses, the darkness, the shutdowns, and shutouts…

The millions upon millions of lives that have been altered these days.

It's not as easy to count the blessings…. Oh come on now, I know you can admit that.

Yet, I also know that, for the most part, you still have the ability, as I do, to count those blessings.

And in order to peek through the curtain of fog the curses have created around us, we have to see something beyond what is right in front of us. What is right in front of us is that fog. And it's curtailing the grander view that is still our world.

And so, not being able to see through the fog with our outward eyes, I guess our inward gaze will have to do.

And from there, we can start to count the many blessings of being alive.

Right now, I’m counting, amongst my blessings, a quiet time in our local forest.

A breath of fresh air after a smoke-filled time, the feeling of bark and stone beneath my seat, and the small wren who is gazing at me from it’s cedar twig perch.

In the distance, an eagle circles, higher and higher in its slow lovely vortex flight.

I’ve always wonder about that slow eagle vortex, whereupon they fly higher and ever higher above it all. Above it all is where we need to go, I believe—just like that eagle.

The eagle’s food, and it’s home, and maybe the eagle’s mate all may be below somewhere in the trees. Yet up it goes, and it keeps going up until I can no longer see it…. That’s high up there!

I sometimes need to take myself on that kind of flight, for the larger view, or just to rise above the fog, the clouds, the density of curses, yet also the beauty of blessings that are not so apparent.

And so, in I go, and up I go.

I came to this spot in the forest, because it has an up to it, which will eventually lead me to a down, of course—back into my life. This life now, is a life as a lone agent. And an alone agent.

This life gives me plenty of time and opportunity to think and be, and honestly, to cry.

It's odd though, I’m not crying at the curses around me so much as crying out in aloneness, because I miss a partner who loved to have that transcendent view. He talked about choice and being a choice-maker, and being transcendent to what seemed like the obstacles…and the curses—including our own.

Yet I’m conversing now, with you, whoever you are.

I’m speaking from this vantage point above the curses, and with the blessings all around.


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