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Healing -- its a process

Writer's picture: Elke Siller MacartneyElke Siller Macartney

Over the many years I've been privileged to be an instrument of healing in people's lives, I've seen my share of miracles: the cancerous tumors evaporating over night; the guy who couldn't digest anything but crackers and water now eats anything he wants; lifeless, sullen eyes of a severely depressed woman now twinkle with light and life again... There have been relationship miracles and self esteem miracles. There were incredible transformations: homeless person to home-body; frustrated unemployed homemaker to successful business woman; there's been animal healings and ghost clearings, and well, the list does go on and on. So much possibility!

Yet admittedly, though these miracles occur frequently enough for me to shake my head in wonder, I also know that, for the most part, more subtle healing results are the norm--slow-going and often frustrating journeys towards wholeness. Perceptions change slightly. A gift is found in a tragedy. An attitude changes from "the world's against me" to "the world is a wonderful place to learn about me, " or even: "The world is a wonderful place," period.

Whether it's a seemingly overnight miracle or a several month or year slog, you need to know something: All of these occurrences and experiences of healing were a process over time. To my knowledge, there may not even be an overnight or sudden healing. No. I think the life events, the stuck in the mud dead-ends, the life experiences we would never wish on our worst enemy if we had one, all contribute to the miracle.

So may I suggest that no matter what is plaguing or bugging or pulling on us, we take a collective breath or two and know that healing is a natural process, and happens in a huge variety of ways. Catch that? It's a process, a journey. And it requires your full participation.

So Let's go! I'm here to offer a healing hand ....or two. :-)

PS: Great activities below, including a 3 day Soul Path Retreat in March at beautiful Guemes resort--a short ferry ride from Anacortes, as well as the return of monthly drum groups, a 3 hour seminar at the Women of Wisdom conference and more. Let's play.

Soul Path Retreat: March 4 thru 6, 2016

Find your Soul’s Path with safe guidance you can trust. Renew your purpose. Rekindle your inner light.

We all need to press the reset button once in awhile—take time out of our usual routine, enter into sacred space, and find our selves all over again. The late winter is a wonderful time for this: still quiet, yet the light is dawning enough to see the potential of springtime and new life. We’ll come together in ceremony and ritual, with plenty of time for inner reflection, walks and personal journeys. There might even be time to dance!

Guemes Island Resort is on beautiful forested land, with one of the best fishing and walking beaches anywhere. This is still the quiet season, so they made a special compensation for very affordable prices for lodging.

You can check out the resort here: . Our meeting place will be Guemes House, which is old and charming with a wood stove, modern kitchen and an incredible water view. NOTE: This place is NOT accessible to folks who cannot climb stairs. (I am seeking another, more accessible place for a Summer time retreat). There’s even a room on the ground floor with ping pong and games and a big flat screen tv and dvd.


Soul Path Retreat Program Dates and Times:

Friday, March 4, 7:00 through Sunday, March 6, 12 noon

Meals: Water, tea and coffee available all weekend. Potluck Friday , 5:30 PM: Bring enough to share. Included in workshop fee: All Gluten free Continental breakfast, Saturday and Sunday morning, 8:00 - 9:00 Soup Lunch, Saturday 1:00 Salmon dinner (vegetarian option) Saturday, 6:30

Fees: Workshop only: $160 Friday evening thru Sunday morning, (includes meals on Saturday, Sunday morning)

Workshop, room and meals: $210 - $450 + depending on room rental.

Lodging Options for 2 nights (includes tax)

In the main retreat area: (Guemes House), first come first serve: *Upstairs bedroom with queen and 4 bunk beds, water view: $275. Split it up by 5 of you and it can go as low as $$55/person. *Upstairs loft Queen bed:$180 * Main floor: Private bedroom with queen bed (2 available): $250 water view / $200 forest view NOTE: Upstairs bedrooms have no bathroom. There are 2 showers/bathrooms on main floor, with one of them in the master bedroom.

Other options: The rest of the Resort has various cabins to rent, some with 2 bedrooms (great for sharing!), or one bedroom + loft, or even one bedroom cabins with steam shower and hot-tub. Guemes resort is offering this to us for Midwinter pricing. See website to see all the options, including another large house to share (Salish). Add price to $160 workshop fee. All cabins have water views, some direct, some set off in the woods a bit. Visit:

MORE: BY appointment: private Energy Adjustment Sessions on Thursday and Friday, March 3 and 4. Personal sessions, onsite. 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM, $100/hour Limited to 3 sessions a day.


Healing and Intention Drum Group

2nd Tuesdays, Jan 12, Feb. 9, Mar. 8, 6:30 – 8:00 PM @ Skagit Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 500 W Section St, Mount Vernon, WA Drum in your intentions, drum out what no longer serves you. Come together in community and support each others’ intentions and dreams. Bring your own drums or rattles, or borrow Elke’s. $10 suggested donation.

Aura Portrait Sessions

Friday and Saturday, January 14, 15, 10 AM – 5:00 Pm@ Center For Holistic Wellness in Sedro Wooley, WA One hour $90, Half hour, $45. Call Kathleen Sweeney to schedule: 360-420-2630

Creating a Medicine Wheel

Saturday January 23 1:00 – 3:00 PM @ Valerie’s Stone Gallery, 7031 Old Highway 99 North Rd, Burlington, Washington 98233 You’ll learn: The energy of the four directions plus Center. How to build a medicine wheel, both ceremonial and permanent. Choosing rocks for a medicine wheel. $15

Women of Wisdom Conference Saturday, February 14, 1;30-4:30 @ North Seattle College, 9600 College Way North, Seattle, WA

Presenting a 3 hour workshop: Luna's Embrace: Honoring the phases of the moon. info:



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