It's mighty tempting to go there--"there" being joining the ranks of complaints and laments about the lack of courtesy and common decency as we in the USA bumble along another election season. I don't even have to bring up the details of acrimony in order for you to have an uptick in your blood-pressure, do I?
Majorly tempting as well to pile on when a pal is leaving a long time spouse or relationship, and the "other" becomes the "enemy." Don't tell me you haven't gone there--it's called justified righteousness for a reason. Meaning it makes perfect sense to rail against the forces of awfulness, and especially when that awfulness is causing harm to people we love.
So what's a sensitive person to do when all around her or him are signs of disintegration and corrosive chaos? Hide in an underground bunker and hope it's over soon? Get depressed and stay in bed? Get angry and rail or lament? Get angry and get sick? Pick a fight?
Yea. All the above are valid possibilities. Our sensitivities are inflamed, and reactions of all sorts are automatic. That said, were we born with sensitivities in order to torture us? You might say, "Oh yes!". But I would say, nah.
Instead I believe we are sensitive for a pretty cool reason: In order to feel and know the truth. And if we feel and know the truth of what is happening, we can respond in ways that can actually help and heal our selves, our loved ones, and heck, even this crazy country or planet. So in this season of discontent, I offer...
What we can do when things are going crazy/weird/nasty:
1. Top of my list is this credo: Living a good life is the best revenge. In fact, it's the only revenge I can think of that's healthy. Be who you are and do your best, always.
2. Have fun: As in dancing or singing in the supermarket aisles. As in playing with pals (note my dancing buddy up there)--anything that is fun for you. Or how about you stand on a street corner and hold up signs with positive messages. There's even a movement of people around the world who are doing so: they are "sprinkling happiness", and for one hour out of a day, people get to see actual signs of life they want to see; "Yes and Yay!" or "It' going to be OK." or "You rock.", and then there's "You are the good news! " See the Happiness Sprinkling project here:
3. Stay in balance. Meditate. Pray. Relax and be kind to you. Self care is necessary now more than ever.
4. Be kind. Any chance you get. Be THE antidote to the meanness. If you are going through a break-up or breakdown, that is hard, yet, is there a way to go through this with compassion? With kindness? Remember--you are dealing with fellow humans who have feelings too (even if that isn't apparent).
Be kind to everyone you meet. Open doors. Buy an extra yogurt or ice cream or chocolate and gift it to someone who will enjoy it. Pay it forward. Leave an anonymous gift on someone's porch front. Spend an hour or two with a pal's kids/ill family member so they can have a break. There are thousands upon thousands of opportunities to be kind.
5. Beam. If you can, stand up, right now. Hold your palms outward and beam love to the world. Beam out compassion. Beam out justice for all. Beam out peace. And, beam out this thought: I affirm the highest and best outcome to this situation.
You are the answer to this madness. You've got what it takes, so give what you have. And have fun doing so, ok? OK!
Blessings and love, Elke