To all light-workers, world changers, concerned citizens of the world: Right now, US President Obama is making a speech of peace and reconnection in Cuba: "I have come here to bury the last remnant of the cold war in Cuba." Also right now, Belgium is in turmoil, shock and grief. The world continues to lurch forward to an unknown future. My question to us all is this: What will we do to contribute to a world of well being and peace?
Each one of us are agents of change. Now more than ever, is not a time to hide. Yes it's time to grieve, but its not time to stay there. Keep doing what you do. Make your contribution: Listen deeply. See commonality among our differences, yet honor the differences. Be kind. Make your voice heard: write, carry signs of change, sing, and pray. When you get angry, take a step back, breathe, seek out your intention before you react. Reach out to the grieving and the hurt. Offer your help. Offer your prayers. Mostly, its time to keep beaming. Beaming what, you ask? Beam out the best you've got, which is your light. Contribute your light and let it blend with others' lights and lets light up the planet. Today and for the next week, at 9:11 AM and 9:11 PM your time, get quiet. See the world at peace. See the world lit up with the lights of human consciousness. It's the best we can offer. Let's start the shift now. Right now. Thank you.
Blessings of peace to your hearts.