Work. The word has so many connotations because we, as individuals, have such different perceptions of what that noun/verb/pronoun is in our lives.
Yet, here is what I know from my many years of working with people: The closer a person is to being about the business of living one's purpose, the more positive one's attitude about work. No matter what the actual job is, if a person feels they are acting from his/her purpose, the happier, more satisfied that person is. Of course, the converse of this is true as well: the further away from your purpose you are in your work, the more unsatisfied you are. Like putting on ill-fitting clothes, work that doesn't fit can be uncomfortable. Again this holds true for any person, no matter the actual job. I've seen happy people in coffee shops, on assembly lines, grocery stores, in doctor's offices, as lawyers, garbage collectors, postal delivery people, computer programmers, lab technicians, bus drivers, flower arrangers, artists, and on and on and on. And for every one of the above listed jobs, as well as the on and on and on, I've seen stressed out, unhappy people too. One does not have to see auras to witness this.
It is about knowing who you are and what your main purpose is: are you here to teach? to Communicate? To heal? To show love? To leave the world a better place for having you in it? To figure things out? To be a visionary? To be of service? To express yourself? To heal the earth? To invent new ways of doing something? To help animals? To...? The list is, of course, endless. Yet I have a feeling that at the heart of you, you might have an idea of what your basic purpose might be.
As for me, since I opened my first business at the age of 12, I have tried my best to be a person who is a helper, a healer, a listener, a witness...and then ultimately, as I was introduced to the concept, an inspirer. That first business was a housecleaning for elders "company." Went to my minister one day, and said, "I want to help old people. Do you have names of a few who could use extra help?" Thus began the Sunshine Cleaning Service. It was the late sixties, so I didn't need a license or anything--at least not to my knowledge. I just did it. Was pretty good with the cleaning part, but mostly I ended up listening. Most of these people had homes as neat as a pin--they just wanted the company, and someone to share stories with. Thus began my journey of discovering my purpose.
Years later as a young adult, my gift of seeing auras re-awakened after a long hiatus, and I discovered it came in quite handy as I traversed the world of working with others as a disabled children's teacher, crisis counselor, physical therapy assistant, book seller, chocolate seller, waitress, belly dancer, actress, admissions counselor, graduate school marketer, wife, mom, friend, and in my counseling/healing/ teaching practice. Why so handy? Because, as a person spoke to me and I listened, I was able to see, in real time, when a person was "on purpose," satisfied, in alignment, centered, open, and, dare I say, happy. Which brings me to this truth I gladly share:
When your soul's essence--aura--is in alignment with what is happening or what is being spoken of, it expands. Like arms flung wide open to receive a great gift, the more expansion, the more you "welcome" whatever it is you are being offered. So too in your work: When a person is fairly satisfied with his/her work, his/her aura maintains an attitude of YES, of receptivity, of "this is right for me."
Therefore, when your essence--aura--is not in alignment, or is disjointed, feeling out of sorts, out of place, or uncomfortable, it shrinks. Yup. Right then and there, if whatever it is you are doing or discussing or thinking is NOT for you, your aura responds with its version of "NO, I don't want this!" Check it out: When was the last time you closed your fists in order to receive something, eh? A closed up aura receives very little, including life force. So it's no wonder that certain tasks are draining for some--if you don't like what you are doing, your aura will respond accordingly and shrink up.
Case in point: I am a writer, love to write, and see writing as a joyful task, especially when the subject is near and dear to my heart. Whereas, as we speak, I am truthfully avoiding finishing up the stacks of paperwork involved with the short sale of our aura doesn't like this very much. Of course I'll get back to the paperwork I have to do, but my main point is: As work, figuring out stuff like taxes and accounting systems and paperwork is not aligned with my purpose of inspiration, communication, helping. Yet put me in the grocery checkout line in front of a checker who is tearfully telling me she's going back to school to study criminology in honor of her mother who was murdered 2 years ago (this happened the other day) and I am in my bliss as I listen, offer words of blessings, compassion and "you are honoring both your mom and you; go for it."
The past few months had me working my purpose big time. Even though the circumstances of Jim's healing crisis was not exactly what I had in mind as a full time job, and even with the tremendous stress I've been under as I navigate the winding path of his care, I still had a sense of being about my purpose. Healing, listening, communicating, inspiring: all of these have come into play lately. In fact, I know that through my years of work, I've been preparing all my life for this adventure. So my aura has acted accordingly, expanded to meet the demand, which helped me muster through and not drop from the effort. Sure, there are some symptoms of wear and tear, but what good effort doesn't take some energy to do well?
Recently, things have changed enough in our lives that I am happy to report my full time job of Jim's healing and care has given way to making space for the best part time job in the world: being a spiritual teacher. To my delight, I've been offered Jim's old vocational rehabilitation counseling office as my personal office, and its within walking distance to our home. I'll be offering aura portraits, small groups, energy healing, and whatever else I can cook up. And I will continue to write posts, articles, books from my heart to yours.
Mainly I will be offering this: Inspiration. Encouragement. And I promise, I'll always be honest with you: Is your aura expanding to meet your gifts? Or is it contracting and closing up? Armed with this knowledge, I'll encourage you to align with your purpose. No-one deserves this more than you.
See you soon, Elke