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What is a modern shaman?

Writer's picture: Elke Siller MacartneyElke Siller Macartney

What is a modern shaman?

For some, this question is fraught with questions of legitimacy and appropriation of indigenous rituals and roles: Can one who is not in an indigenous tribe actually use the term “Shaman” to describe their role in the world? Some would say, “No way! This term is strictly reserved for people who are born into the role within a particular tribal peoples.“

Yet others who are called to this practice have to find ways of discovering the shaman within them, for one huge reason: In modern times, there are gifted people who are not born into a tribe, and therefore have no mentors to teach them. And while this is a challenge, I feel that opening the term to its ancient and broader meanings of “healer” or “walker between the worlds ( of spirit and matter),” or medicine person, or spiritual leader, and or even prophet, would benefit humanity in so many ways.

It has taken me many years to be comfortable with calling myself a shaman. Yet no other term truly fits what it is I am about and what it is I do. I have naturally journeyed to and been linked to world beyond this third dimensional reality since childhood. I see auras and spirits and as well, disease and unease in the physical, mental and emotional bodies.

I am also blessed with specific and specialized training from shamans from around the world. They came into my life to teach me what they knew, and then walked out when their training was complete. I honestly do not know how I would have managed the world of walking between matter and sprit without them. I might not even be alive without their care and guidance. The call to be a shaman and healer is not a call to an easy life.

Now, I am called to share what I know with you who are also called to be a healer, light worker, visionary, mystic, teacher and communicator of spirit. Maybe you have psychic visions or senses, maybe you just feel an inner (and urgent) call to find out what your role is in the healing of the Earth and Her people. This is why I write to you, or blog to you, or provide private healing or guidance sessions for you.

It is also why I am called to teach Shamanic classes again. I will find a way to teach online in the future, but for now I am offering classes to folks who hear the call to being a modern shaman. They will be held outside of La Conner, WA in my lovely office/sanctuary, and are limited to 10 students per class. The schedule follows, or you can check them out on my website:

Meanwhile, I will continue to share what I know to help you stay grounded on this earth plane, while staying connected to Spirit and the Spirit world. I think its imperative that you keep that spiritual connection, because without it, this world can look pretty grim. Remember: you came here to share your light in however it is you do that. Trust that. With actions large and small, do what YOU do to heal, to connect, to bring positivity and solutions.

In other words, be you. It helps in great measure.



Here’s the class offering and schedule, or go to my activities page.

Modern Shaman Master Class series

Modern shamans are spiritually gifted healers, innovators, and teachers. Learn tools to empower you, so you can change the world for the better. Classes can be taken as a series or separately. They’ll be taught at a private location near La Conner, and are from 1:00 - 5:00PM. $50/class RSVP:

Saturday, May 19: Using your spiritual gifts: What are your spiritual gifts and how do you bring them to the world? What do you need to know to stay grounded and centered?

Saturday, June 16: Drum journey for your animal totems: An introduction to (or review) of drum journeying. Find your power animals. and their gifts for you.

Saturday, June 30: Interpreting signs, hints and visions: How do you know what is a sign or what is wishful thinking? Through observation, learn how to interpret and understand messages from Spirit.

Saturday , July 21: Shamanic Healing: Explore energy healing, with an introduction to soul retrieval work.

Saturday, August 11: Being a modern shaman. Integrating shamanic tools and rituals into every day living.



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